Water that has been blessed. Used to clean your soul. (spritiual cleaning)
someone bring holy water, im dying of cringe
Pee of my lovely girl friend.
I feel my girl friend a sex goddes,who came from heaven.
I used to drink her pee firmly believes that it increases my longevity or make me immortal.
However,tha drink will certainly increases my libido.
I quench my thirst with her holy water.
you can make it by burning the hell out of it
What the fuck are you doin'?
Holy Water
Commonly known as "Barton's", it's a brand of Vodka. If you live in Nebraska and you don't know what Barton Vodka is then you must be living under a rock
"Yo what's in your cup?!"
"That Nebraska Water bro!"
"Ayye shoutout to the homie Barton am I right"
"Hell fuckin yeah"
Someone who will stick around or stop by just to steal your drink (usually water) and then quickly leave. Only to come back a few minutes after leaving you just for another until your drink is completely gone.
Friend 1: Hey mind if I drink some of your water before I go?
Friend 2: Sure
*5 minutes later*
Friend 1: Hey let me have some more of that water!
*drinks and then leaves*
Friend 3: Dude, she's such a water mooch!
“I’m thirsty”
“Drink from bottle”
“No, it’s pre workout.”
“There’s water in that”
“ITS NOT NAKED, I want naked water”.
The overall exhausted, eye burning flu like feelings after spending an entire day at a water park
"Hey, are you okay man? You don't look so hot."
"Yeah, I just got the water park flu is all."