A moment that really makes you say “hode”.
“Hode” is an expression of shock in Dutch.
“This goes into my top 10 hode moments”
“Can I get a hode in the chat guys”
“Ultimate hode”
A moment when something completely unexpected happens, that you wouldn't have expected even in your wildest dreams.
Do you remember that one time in the club, where a DJ dressed up as knight played a techno set with fire on the roof? That was a real camel moment!
What you feel the first time you get high
1- Bro, i just had my Geah Moment with Justin.
When someone shits themselves or starts to have a mental breakdown
Justin: oh my god he just shit himself and is having a breakdown! Preston: what a Carter moment
When someone says an unfunny joke and everyone responds with silence
Logan: "What did the fish say when he ran into a wall. Dam."
Everyone: *silence*
Someone: "Logan moment"
A Logan Moment is when the "genius" in your group named Logan, makes a stupid, or downright dumb suggestion, usually involving some form of activity, usually grueling and not worth the time put into it.
Logan Moment -"Hey, lets go play Star Citizen guys, it is a really fun game when you get past the 4 hours of prison time you gotta serve if you get caught"