When you develop an ebony porn addiction
I should just admit I had an Aidan moment and get some help
The Youtube channel 'Daily Warzone Moments' if it was dedicated to spanking!
Jack, Daily Spanking Moments just uploaded and... and... JACK, PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE NOW! THIS IS NOT A FUCKING DRILL!
It's a moment of feiyu witch is like being stressed out
I'm just having a feiyu moment right now
Claiming not to know something extremely basic that is taught in school across the globe
You don't know who Julius Caeser is? You haven't even heard of him? Siobhan Moment
Posting softcore cp, being hypersexual to deal with past trauma and raping one of your friends.
A: Bro, my friend is so toxic, he's 12 and posts THIS on tiktok.
B: Kai moment!
Bullying people for sharing emotions when you claimed that you would be there for them? Kai Moment.
When user wisppy on popular YouTuber Anonomus Shade's discord server makes a minor spelling mistake
Wisppy:I'm going to force feed you finder nailes.
YourAlarmClock: Wisppy moment.