King Asshat is the term to describe a specific type of rude person. This person can also be referred to as a phinky-dick or a cockroach. It is slang for being a major asshat.
Ethan, Is your ass a hat? I didn't think so, so get your head out of it you King Asshat.
A saying that means the same as the "Lord Farquad" version of this.
I discovered a meal named "Shit on a shingle" and I am going to make Devilled Eggs on Easter Sunday. Mwa ha ha ha, I am King Bowser!
James is Nunnally. Not Mike. Not LeBron.
Hey, did you watch the basketball game last night?
>Yes, it was amazing, King James even hit the game winner!
Ashton Is a little tall. He has a nice smile and is always smiling to please the ladies. He can make anyone laugh Specially his girl💚! He sometimes takes a while to know if he really likes u. He comes with a big package🍆😂. He can make his girl Pissed at times. All im going to say is Ashton if you like a girl treat her wit respect, tell her you lover her, dont be scared to tell people shes yours! Claim her Let her know she is the only person you want. I swear that girl wont give up on U.
Ashton King treat yo girl like she is the only girl that matter and I swear you wont regret dating her She will be your queen
The greatest thing of all time, there can only be one. Commonly a midget. Tells Rays to suck it
I am the greatest of all time, I am the pope king
what i call myself in Town of Salem
Juan King has revealed themselves to be Mayor