Source Code

To Cough up Professor Oak

To cough up something you don't remeber swallowing or to eat a pokemon, digimon, yugioh, etc. card.

Ryley: i just had to cough up professor oak
Ryan: eww....nice!!

by Ryley the canadian April 16, 2008

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Climate pros cough bomb

When servicing a package unit the tech farts into the indoor blower compartment before starting the unit back up.

I climate pros cough bombed the pharmacy today!

by HVACahole December 3, 2021


When you are over-stimulating and just need one of these before you turn into an........ Apple.

I NEED A COUGH DROP GUMMY BEAR apple uh oh he turned into an apple iยดm to late.

by Sohoowusyourday>good February 3, 2022

The more you cough the more you get off

When you're smoking weed and you cough a lot, it will make you get higher

Chad: *hits blunt* cough cough
Dylan: bro you aight?
Chad: yeah man, the more you cough the more you get off.

by xBluntRoller420 July 11, 2017

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colin cough

Gas from your colin.

Sorry man for doing this in the elevator , I have a bad case of colin cough.

by RJDB January 14, 2017

never had a cough

If you've "never had a cough", you've never had an STD.

" They say the average person has 6 sexual partners in their lifetime. Shit, Nate has had enough strange for 20 lifetimes. And has never had a cough."

by Peckerwooded November 10, 2021

Cum Cough

When one human ejaculates into another humans throat, but some of the human precum gets caught on the uvala, and the receiving human must cough to remove the blob of cum to continue giving oral pleasure.

Female 1: "Ash's pre-cum got caught on my uvala last night and i had to cough to dislodge it!"
Female 2: "OMG, Melissa, that is super gross don't tell me about your weekly cum coughs"

by Brillo! February 16, 2023