A president who goes politically inactive and turns to posting cool photos on his Instagram after their term, hoping to keep a very simple and positive perception.
After years of not helping the democratic party and standing on the sidelines, instagram president Obama has come back to endorse Joe Biden and stop Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination.
It’s a face with certain features, often seen on instagram and been achieved by facial surgery and other cosmetic work. Button nose, big lips, defined brows, alien-like eyes, sculpted cheeks and jawline. It’s a face you won’t ever see in real life, since it either needs editing to some extent or heavy makeup. If you’d line up selfies with these faces it’d be nearly impossible to know if it’s the same person or not.
I don’t know, I want to look pretty, but I feel like getting an instagram face would also fuck with my self-identify.
An excessively personal, revealing Instagram post about oneself in response to the premise that people only share their "best moments" on Instagram. While Instagram Overcompensation Posts (IOP) have become a serious trend, distinctly personal information about millions of people is being posted publicly on the world's 6th leading social network (1 billion active users).
Did you see her Instagram Overcompensation Post (IOP) this morning? She shared several paragraphs of detailed information about her family's personal problems.
That guy's IOP the other day was so gnarly, he posted like 5 pictures of himself at the hospital getting hemorrhoid surgery because he wanted to be "real" with Instagram.
The wildest place on the internet.
If you scroll in an Instagram comment section, you are guaranteed to find bullying, racial slurs, hate paragraphs, and inappropriate GIFs.
Guy 1: Have you seen how wild Instagram comments are recently?
Guy 2: Yeah, especially on little kid's posts.
Synonym for hell on earth. It is a place where nothing is safe. Some comments may cause disgust in the viewer. No mercy is allowed and you will get calles the n-word more times than you can count.
Person 1: "Did you see these instagram comments on this disabled child's post?"
Person 2: "No, what did they say?"
Person 1: "Bro looks like Quagmire 💀", "nigga is built like Crimson chin" , "Retigga", " Giggity ahh face".
Perhaps the most hostile and hateful place on the internet outside of /pol/ on 4chan.
If you are anything but a straight, white, cisgender, conservative, Christian, able-bodied, able-minded, financially well-off, and conventionally attractive male with "normal" interests and hobbies, you will be met with such severe disrespect and hostility that you may as well be Martin Luther King waltzing unannounced into a KKK lynching.
"The Instagram Reel was literally just some drone footage of Chicago's skyline, but every single comment was something racist. What even provoked that?"
"That's Instagram Comments for you."
It's full of racism, sexism, homophobia and bullying etc. There can also be a lot of trolling and hateful comments towards people who are different from the norm. There are also instances of cyberbullying and harassment directed at certain targeted individuals. Overall the comments section can be a source of toxicity.
Instagram comments be like:
Black kid: posts normal video
Comment 1: Get a job lil nigga💀
Comment 2: imma do unspeakable things to u lil nigga
Comment 3: Get oiled up imma be there in 5 minutes
Comment 4: Thug it out lil nigga u gotta 9-5 and a familiy to feed