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Band Geek

Someone whose life revolves around band.
Usually classmates in other classes get upset, cause all this person talks about is band.
This type of teenager is usually located in the band room.
They are there so much, they have probably tried to order pizza to the band room.
These people are by far the coolest people you will ever meet.
And they actually have a life, unlike everyone else.

Band Geek: OMG! That song we're playing in band is amazing! I've downloaded it on my iPod, it's my myspace song....
Band Geek: Oh, you're just jealous that you don't have a life.

by Band Geek <3 May 11, 2007

53๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boy Band

Noun- When you wear tight pants or pull your pants up so they are snug against your groin, highlighting your package for all the world to see.

Michael wouldn't get off the phone with his girlfriend, so we all showed him our boy bands to distract him.

by EDKirk June 7, 2011

41๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

shag bands

It is true that Shagbands or Jelly Bracelets used to be an 80โ€™s fashion. However, they werenโ€™t the original fuck bracelets. Originally fuck bracelets were bracelets with teeny tiny little beads and thin elastic string. The rumours about breaking them and the person has to have sex with you started floating around when I was thirteen. Iโ€™m about 17 now. They were much easier to break than jelly bracelets. Somewhere along the line Jelly bracelets began to come back into style. When this happened they became known as shagbands or fuck bracelets. What many of you are failing to realize is everyone just took it as a joke. No one actually believes that if they break someoneโ€™s black band that, that person has to have sex with them. Thatโ€™s ridiculous and stupid. However there is a meaning behind each of the different colors and people do jokingly try to break them a lot. Most of the time when it happens to me (I have about 80 of these things) itโ€™s just one of my friends kidding around.

Black- Sex
Blue- Blow job
Pink- Flash tits or penis
Yellow- Hug
Purple- Kiss
Clear- Whatever the snapper wants
Green- Hand job
Brown- Toss my salad
Glow in the dark- SEX TOYS
Any glitter- Girl chooses
Silver(Gray)- OUTDOOR SEX
Light Blue- Anal
Light pink- hug and kiss
Light green- Oral sex
Gold- All of the above
Those are the meanings of the different colors. But in reality, itโ€™s just a fashion statement.

So, Iโ€™ve done a bit of a search on the web and found the cheapest place to buy them online. time-bomb.co.uk has got packs of 6 for 75p โ€“ colours including glitter, neon and UV.

Girl: Hey! You broke my shag bands!
Guy: oops sorry. Hey! That means we have to have sex now!
Girl: (sarcastically) Oh yea baby!
Guy: Haha
Girl: Wanna go right now?
Guy: Seriously?
Girl: No you dumbass I was joking
Guy: Uh.. yea, I.. uhโ€ฆ I was too.
Girl: Riiiight

::girl walks off::

by obama bin liner July 15, 2009

580๐Ÿ‘ 290๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy band

A group of "musicians" who rarely play their own instruments, consisting purely of reasonably attractive males who appeal to girls ages 10-14. This term does not apply to all bands that are comprised solely of males. It is used in reference to a specific genre of music artists who perform for a pre-teen audience in a mainstream pop/rock style.

N'Sync is a "boy band"

by unlikepoets October 14, 2005

180๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

marching band

the absolute only reason ANYONE goes to a football game... to see the beautiful people marching around in circles playing rockin music

The marching band looked so great tonight!

by Jessicalow November 10, 2005

215๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marching Band

1. A Summer Commmitment.
2. A group of brass, woodwinds, colorgaurd, and percussion (this includes frontline) who work their butts off during the summer, and somehow manage to have fun doing it.

1. Q: What are you doing this summer?
A: Marching Band.

2. Q: What's all that fun?
A: Marching Band.

by Timpani Player March 28, 2005

285๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy band

a group of 4 or 5 men who lip sync other people's music while pretending to like girls

Boy bands are nothing but a bunch of no-talent, 30-year-old pretty boys who like to bend each other over!

by Pissed Off Paul March 1, 2004

630๐Ÿ‘ 321๐Ÿ‘Ž