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To be sexually assaulted by a hillbilly in a rural, mountainous setting.

"I heard Kevin was back-wooded by a banjo toting hillbilly named Jim-Bob", said John.

by Phillphd July 31, 2013

back candy

The person who rides on the back of the motorcycle. Guys and girls can have their arm candy but why can't we have back candy?

When I ride my motorcycle I like to have a good looking girl be my back candy.

by sharann July 4, 2010

Back in the 301

A term only natives from the Washington DC Metropolitan Area would understand, meaning "back home".

James: "Hey, where does Justin go to college?"

John: "He's somewhere in New York, but he's on spring break now, so he's back in the 301."

Justin: "COOL"

by jsy04 March 4, 2012

8👍 3👎

Shit Back

Shit back is usually caused by a withdrawals by the users drug of choice.

Seth Hudnall has Shit Back that runs up the back from the ass crack to the back of the neck caked with hard layered shit.

by Seth J Hudnall October 3, 2021

Jello Back

When you are hittin' it from the back and you don't want to cum on her back, so you go to the fridge, grab jello, and throw it on her back.

"Hey Jackson, did you end up getting with Samantha last night?"

"Yeah, but I didn't want to finish...so...."
"No way man... did you?"
"Yep, i did the unthinkable... I Jello Back'd her."

by Ricky Man Bobby June 21, 2017

Back to leadership

To get back to the main topic. Usually used when people get sidetracked a lot and need to understand that the topic is important.

The phrase comes from "Stargate Atlantis" a Sci-Fi channel production where a character, Doctor Rodney McKay, is asked to record a message in front of a camera to his superiors and loved ones. In the first scene he starts talking about "Leadership" and in the beginning of every other scene he gets sidetracked and talks about his girlfriends or his cats. In the end of every scene he says that he need to get back to the main topic he started with. "Back to Leadership."

Boss: So where are we at with that new product?
Employee: Well sir, it's ready and I got to tell you my wife and I tested it, and she just loved it!
Boss: Oh did she?
Employee: She even told all her friends about it and they are all excited.
Boss: I see... but let us get back to Leadership Jack!

by Will Valentino November 23, 2009

Back To Paris

Going Back to Paris or Pulling a Back To Paris is the idea of making a major mistake in either a Hitman or Hitman Trilogy speedrun. The expression was popularized by former speedrunner and world record holder for the Hitman Trilogy performed with Silent Assassin and Suit Only on Masters Difficulty, Brandon (Atrioc) Ewing.

"Man that snipe was so choppy I might be looking at a Back To Paris"
"I cant channel my inner Martin Lawrence from Bad Boys II right now or I'll be going Back To Paris"- Atrioc

by Cryonix January 8, 2022