Occurs when caught in a bad situation, any act that causes the situation to get so bad that everyone is impacted and on even ground.
I was caught by the enemies so I decided to James-Bond it by shooting at a bunch of propane tanks.
A developing country can become destabilized when faced with foreign bond payments. A solution to this is lower interest rates. Or, perhaps investments to help a country develop its local economy in the future to be less reliant on others could make a difference.
Reenvisioning foreign bond payments can lower the risks of war, sex trafficking, corruption regimes, crime, hunger and starvation, drug trafficking and the diaspora that separates families through mass exits.
A dota-bond is a relationship between two or more players that have been together for years and developed a family-like bonds between each other due to the complexity of the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game DotA 2. Since the game is so complex and hard to grasp, and master, the bonds between players are truly unique and almost unbreakable once achieved, thus creating the dota-bond.
Alice and bob know each other for 8 years playing DotA 2. They have a dota-bond.
When you’re parked at the Bond’s house you’re actually speeding down the highway at 80 mph.
Agustin (sends picture of backseat of car)
Jon: Don’t you crash again boy.
Agustin: I was Parked at the Bond’s house.
“Omg is that zara bond, hold me I’m gonna faint she’s too hot.”
A cum bond is best described as a certain affinity you have with someone, typically an internet porn actor/actress, that you have been masterbaiting to for a long period of time, especially from a young age
I’ve been jerking off to Brandi Love since I was 14 and now I have a cum bond with her
This nickname comes from the mountains of Asia where many of our knockoff products come from and even people. This is even the case with people such as james bond
Your Asian and your name is bond your the infamous bollywood bond