When you want your friend to fist you just say this
I told DJ FIST ME CHEAP WHORE and the next thing I knew I had a fist in my asswhole
In retail pricing strategy: Lower prices across multiple categories and products by cutting premium margins and improving procurement. The goal is to gain market share fast and it requires creative marketing campagins to increase the perception of permanent and wide price deductions. Made famous by the S-Group in Finland ("halpuuttaminen").
The retail chain used cheaping strategy to launch new lower prices on everyday products.
hes a fucking sheep, he never says shit in chat until someone else speaks up. Goes in for 2v1's on other people with his friends and still loses
"Oh damn here goes Cheaping again, I guess I should be ready for that 2v1! Oh, he is really saying we scam, when in fact we never even traded with him?! Cheaping? more like Cringing.
The bewildering and paradoxical experience when your fetching date impresses you with his/her sophisticated choice and knowledge of one thing, but then astounds you with a diametrically opposite lack of taste and knowledge in something else - often related to first.
Jennifer: "Hey Gerrard, how was that date you went on last night?"
Gerrard: "Urgh...it was the ultimate Stephanesian Cheap Date. She knew the difference between Argentine and French Malbec, but wanted it with Big Mac from the drive-through!"
poor of value (not only in terms of money) and with a very bad taste.
often reported to things, people or actions considered chic from themself and that they exactly result instead the contrary one
Some outfit of the Oscar event look cheap and tucky
One who Commits a felony in order to steal unvaluables.
The cheap thief commited a robbery but only made off with 50 dollars in change.