When You Hang Your Cock On A Clock And Watch It Keep Turning Until It Hurts, Like A Form Of Pleasure And Pain, For Kinky Motherfuckers 😂
Ever Tried A Cock Clock? It's Hurts But Feels Great At The Same Time, My Cock's Red From The Last Time I Did It!
Usually results in a Billy with loads of egg on his face
"Utd have signed Ronaldo...tick tock goes the Moyseh clock"
6 months later Ronaldo is on his worse run of scoring for 13 years and Utd are 23 pts off the top of the league.
Two Hands + One Face + Your Mom = Weiner Clock
I don't know if you're good at math...but your mom is. Weiner Clock
The act of making love robustly; " Well, I don't know- let's just say they wuz cracking clocks in there."
" Well, I don't know- let's just say they wuz cracking clocks in there."
Dude, we gotta stop kicking the clock! We're running out of time
The demon box that is quiet until you want to sleep.