A description of when someone farts (colon burps)
Would you please stop farting? I am tired of smelling your colon breath. Would please tell your colon to stop burping!
This describes the condition of one's colon after visiting an 'all you can eat' carvery.
If Mark Francois wants to come with me to a Toby Carvery, he too can experience a Basildon Colon.
Colon Calculation: Verb.
The act of pulling numbers and statistics out of ones ass.
Where do you get your information that 75% of poor people are drug users or just plain lazy, that sounds like you've been doing some colon calculation.
(1) Internal intestine erruption due to the instant tightning of the anus. This deadly virus has been known to strike fags, bullshitters, jack-asses, dumb-assess, and assholes world-wide. But the most common cause is that fucking bitch debby.
(2) The locking of the anus intentionally to prevent any unwanted items from entering or escaping. Normally used in conjuction with a jerksqueeze or the lock-n-pop.
(1) It was determined that Bob, after all that shit talk, was infected with colon lock and would die a pretty shitty death.
(2) Colon lock is a widly used technique in prison and has been known to reduce the risk of gayness.
When u crash while riding or stunting on some two wheeled vehicle,and u wind up with said vehicle's(or another vehicle's) kickstand in your butt.
He landed that stunt 20 times while practicing,but crashed and got a kickstand colonic in front of 5000 people attending the Extreme BMX semi-finals.
A cult of weirdos who play geometry dash and spam colon three in a text channel. And we play a lot of geometry dash, believe me.
Owned by Prismapeia.
"Can you send it in The Colon Three Cult?"
1👍 2👎
A person that tries to be a "nice guy," on the outside but in reality, they're just an asshole.
"Man, that dude is such a freaking colon."