People who doesn't contribute to a conversation in any meaningful way and clutter the conversation
Usually can be identified by their excessive use of "Lol","Lmao" or by saying random sentences in contrary of a conversation is taking place
Steve: Have you seen the new movie?
Paul: Lol
Fred: Yeah and it was trash
Paul: Lmao
Steve: oh.
Paul: Lol
Fred: You're such a Conversation mites Paul, shut the fuck up
The conversation you have with your crush when you try to hit them up but you don't know what to say so you just ask about the homework from school.
Boy: Bro I totally hit up my crush yesterday night.
Boy 2: For real? What'd you say?
Boy: I asked her about the math homework.
Boy 2: Lol the classic Homework Conversation
Someone who lies in wait with a keen eye for someone who is about to leave, taking the opportunity to pounce and force a conversation upon his/her prey.
I’m leaving the office now, I am going to army crawl to the door so I don’t get snatched by the conversation pouncer, if you don’t hear from me in 15 minutes, please start a fire in the building so I can be released from the jaws of this predator.
When a conversation in a text chat or irl gets way off track
Jake: and that’s why I can’t trust someone who likes pineapple on pizza!
John: true lmao, we had some real conversational drift here. Got way off our topic of The Florida trip
The introduction of a new thread in a conversation, made to keep an otherwise flagging conversation ongoing.
That fact about the discovery of Teflon stayed with me for some reason. I haven’t thought about Teflon since God knows when.”
“This morning,” said Howard. “It’s amazing how those factoids surface.”
“Conversation catalysts,” replied Barry.
The foaming that occurs in the back of your mouth while talking at full-on motormouth speed. Usually causes discomfort and interrupts rambling conversations.
Sarah: "...and then I was like, OMG that purse had Brianna's cell phone in it and I could totally hijack that and then--"
Mike: "And then..what??"
Sarah: "*gulp*Yeah sorry, I got conversation rabies for a moment there. So anyways..."
A boy (or man), unknown to all others by his birth right name. Basically a heart throb to all that know him as converse boy. Purely distinguishable by the shoes he has chosen to wear, placed on his feet( converse).
Girl: “hey do you know where converse boy lives? Where can I find converse boy”
Converse boy: “I’m converse boy, now watch a movie with me”