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How you count?

Loosely the same as "what's up?", but usually used specifically to challenge/taunt somebody.

Rufus nails the alley-oop with a one-arm over-the-head pass from Mr. Smooth. They turn to their opponnent, arms raised, and say..."HOW YOU COUNT?!?"

by JG November 24, 2004

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Counting Coup

Like the basic definition, but counting the number of people you've had sex with.

I'm doing alright at 20, but that's probably minor Counting Coup to others.

I know one woman that claims at least 50 (Counting) Coup. She's a badass.

by headrift March 16, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shit-cum count

The amount of shitting and cumming that has been done up to that point in the day.

Can we get a shit-cum count? - Alex
2-1 - Tony
4-0 - Alfred

by n54god June 27, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

real body count

only the people that make you finish get put on your real body count.

My body count is 7 but only Nick and Matt made me cum so my real body count is 2

by jdarling April 16, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Count me in for next year!

A response from the perennially pwned when they decline to attend the annual guy's trip to Vegas.

The answer is always "I cant this year, but count me in for next year". The following year, this answer is regurgitated verbatim.

Mich: You going to Vegas this year?

Dork Whiner: Ummm, I cant this year. But count me in for next year!

Mich: *eye roll*

by moraleboatanchor January 22, 2013

327๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Valve can't count to three

The fact that Valve (Game creators) can't count to three but can to 4,5,6 etc. popularized by the fact that the third Half-Life game wasn't Half-Life 3 but Half-Life 2:Episode 1

John:Hey! Can't wait till Portal 3 comes out!
Jack:Umm... Valve can't count to three, idiot.
John: Oh! Then let's wait for Portal 2: The Sequel.

by CarTroll September 28, 2011

203๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Adjusted Body Count

The sum of the number of chicks you've banged multiplied by how hot they were

Bro, just because you hooked up with 20 girls don't mean jack squat. Most of those were fat girls and single moms. Chad over here now has had sex with 10 girls who were all blonde cheerleaders and sorority girls, his adjusted body count totally mogs yours

by D Flawless June 27, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž