A youtuber that screams WOAH on his youtube channel when something uncontrollable happens in a videogame called Roblox.
He also has a twitch channel where he is trying to start streaming more.
Dang is a YouTuber who is most famous for Roblox Airline Reviews
A mixture between "date" and "hangout". This meaning changes on the type of relationship you want/have with this person. It falls on a spectrum as a casual-yet-romantic date, a hangout in which you are on flirty terms, a sexual hangout, or something with someone who you call more than a friend but not a romantic partner. This can be used for any relationship from friends, friends with benefits, mutual crushes, romance partners, spouses, or anything in between.
I went on a dang with my friend that I flirt with. We are truly just friends, but I needed some romantic and sexual connection. It was a fun dang I went on.
When you lose something, or used to emphasize something, especially to express anger or frustration.
A very epic word. Anybody can say it, If you say it you will become the most popular person you know, also you can use it to reply to anything
"What do you want for dinner?"
Dangs is Australian slang for mdma .
Hey man, I have got on with some dangs, you interested?
Someone with a big belly and a massive ego. Easily be picked on, and a person people struggle to like, despite their humor.
That guy is so lame, bet he is a Dang.