The most masculine of all men, with luscious facial hair that is irresistible. He is the king of the ding dongs for an obvious reason.
- That guy must be a King of the Ding Dongs.
- Yes! Thats Kern Mundi
To knock on an anonymous door or ring an anonymous doorbell, but to run away before it is answered. More specifically, the individual who partakes in knocking/ringing, hereby dubbed the "ding dong" must run, hereby dubbed as "go", for as long as possible without taking a break. It is also customary for the individual who has answered the door to run after the "ding dong".
As a long distance runner, Nashid was exceptional at ding dong go, since she could keep running away for hours on end.
To ring someone's doorbell with their penis.
Bro, I ding donged the teacher yesterday.
a greeting towards polish people by people named brandon
oi fam a lamb a ding dong get on ur knees
A name fitting those who do stuff like going outside in the winter without a coat and complain about how cold it is.
George: When I jumped in the ocean no one told me I was gonna get soaked!
Joe: you Ding Dong Doofus Fuck
A normal ding dong ditch except instead of ringing the doorbell, one kicks the door in
Oh shit, that n/gga hood ding dong ditched us!
A epic or very large mustache.
My god, look at that Ding dong duster.