A name given by the two trumpets in a very special band to the singular tuba player. The great tuban is normally a girl with short hair and glasses who frequently runs out of breath. She is worshipped by all the sevies of the band and is funny and weird.
The Great Tuban is the highest member of the band, and is like the "god" of the band. However, the Tuban is not actually a god, therefore they are not immortal, but the Tuban has an immortal spirit. The Tuban is still a holy being, and plays more instruments then anyone in the band.
The Tuban is in an alliance with the Donald Trumpians. They are enemies with the Clarinets and the Alto saxaphones. The Flutes and Trombones of the band are nuetral as far as I know, and Percussion is also in alliance with the Tuban.
The Tuba is the most important instrument in the band, as it has to be the bottom of the sound pyramid holding the other instruments up. The Great Tuban is a very important person, but without the help of the other instruments and people in the band, they would not thrive.
Sevie: Hello the Great Tuban. Today we shall nuke the clarinets.
Great Tuban: Yes we shall MWAHAHHAHAHA
The period of 2016-2020 starting from the murder of Harambe and ending with the election of 2020 in which the amount and quality of dank memes rose to meet the demands of meme hungry citizens.
Go on out and make some memes, Jimmy. With the Great Dankening in full-swing it's sure to be dank!
The smoothest man on earth. A handsome chap. Gets all the ladies. Loves sex. Loves beer.
Did you see that man just pick up that 10? Ron the great moment!
A great king of the outer planet the garboge planet he has ruled for 400 years
Garbster the great is the best king
potatoes are great means that there cute, awesome, sweet potatoes but if u get them mad THE POTATOES WILL COME AND GET YOU WHEN YOUR SLEEPING so watch out :)
WOW that person is such a potatoes are great
A fucking bummm
Man KemoDaGreat is a fucking bummy as nigga tf he talking bout "Da Great"
The very saint that created memes and created TikTok and all social media
A great grungunga is a person who is awesome