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Green Lanternism

A belief that political miracles are achieved by sheer will force. Proponents of the Green Lantern Theory have attributed failure and compromise to a lack of presidential willpower. Matthew Yglesias came up with the Green Lantern Theory of Geopolitics* to ridicule conservatives who claimed "the only thing limiting us is a lack of willpower" in foreign policy. The Green Lantern Theory was later applied to the Obama Administration who seemed to lack the will power to make the radical changes in policy such as universal health care, lowering medical costs, banking reform, and peaceful negotiations that people had hoped for., especially after the Republicans took over the US House in 2011.

Bernie supporters are big proponents of Green Lanternism and fail to recognize this kind of β€œPresidentmania” where the President can get anything done if he really wanted to, fails to take into account the significant amount of bureaucracy legal barriers, and the number players the president has to deal with such as legislators, special interests and Jurists who often do everything in their power to block the president from making these achievements.

by mlhiss March 6, 2020

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

bob green

another surreptitious term for ganja, or herb.
must be used as a person, but in code for smoking.
Can be used as just "Bob"

Guy1: Hey, you know where I can find Bob Green?
Guy2: Yeah, he's been hangin out at my place for a while.
Guy1: Well lets hang out with him.
Guy2: Sounds good, I love bob.

by Crunchyness May 15, 2007

45πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

soylent green

The title of a (great) sci-fi film starring Charlton "from my cold dead hands" Heston, made in 1973.

The name comes from a combination of 'soy' and 'lentils'.

The film was (loosely) based on an anti-contraception novel, called 'Make Room! Make Room!', by Harry Harrison.

It is, of course, famously made from people.

New, Soylent Green!
Now with more girls!

Also available in Red, and Yellow.

by Rize March 11, 2004

309πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

green with envy

Wishing very much that you had what someone else has. A longing to possess something awarded to or achieved by another.

"Sharon's going off to the south of France for three weeks and we're all green with envy."

by _anonymous1 September 12, 2013

41πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

stale green

a traffic light that has been green for a long while so you know any second it is going to turn yellow so be ready

better get ready to slow down, that's a stale green light

by Woody Thomas June 3, 2007

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

green flag

green flag = good trait(s)

The fact that she genuinely cares about people is one of her "green flags".

by b1+ch February 8, 2022

29πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Hank Green

Hank Green is a massive star that provides life for Earth. Hank is the center of the solar system, but in the dark ages people thought that the Earth revolved around Hank.

Hank Green came out today, so its was a great day to have a picnic.

by Lashiqua January 24, 2010

454πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž