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Texas Mud Puddle

When you have a girl on her back for anal intercourse, you pull out and rub your member on her belly button to make it brown then unload in her belly button. Hence the mud puddle.

Troy: So how did your date go with Mindy?
Ernie: I didn't think anything was going to happen but before I knew it she was on her back and I was giving her a Texas Mud Puddle.

by Lunchbox2 March 8, 2011

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puddle people

Someone with palms of thier hands and soles of their feet lighter coloured than the rest of their bodies

Did you see that persons hands he is defently From the puddle people

by Nefariousterry July 29, 2018

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F*ck Puddle

1)A puddle of fluid created during the act of sex.
2)A very loose and wet woman.
3)A deep puddle of water at a street crossing.
4)A messy situation

1) There was no wet spot, it was a F*ck Puddle.
2) That girl was nothing but a F*ck Puddle
3) A taxi totally splashed me with a F*ck Puddle
4) we used to have something going, now it's turned into a total F*ck Puddle

by Andy Pants March 8, 2007

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Poon Puddle Patty

adj. A female that repeatedly creates puddles on her partners sheets while climaxing during intercourse. This sort of intolerable behavior can be temporarily resolved by executing a donkey punch or a swift but meaningful hair tug.

Thomas- Hey Glenn forgive me for doubting you, but i must say you were right, Gina is such a poon puddle patty
Glenn- Oh thats alright Thomas, i just hate to see you ruin your Space Ghoast Coast to Coast sheets like that.

by nigger nick November 9, 2005

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Snuggle Puddle

A term that females use in order to sound cute when, really, they're just using you for free McDonald's sandwiches.

What she says: can I come over for a snuggle puddle?

What she means: can you order a bunch of McDonald's? I'll be there in 20 minutes.

by DarkJoakzzz February 24, 2018

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Goose stuck in the puddle

The sound an unconscious person's hand makes when forced to aggressively slap an excessively moist vagina by the finger bang recipient.

Yo bro, early morning? I hear that goose stuck in the puddle this morning.

by Sean mcvay April 7, 2017

Heat puddle(s)

A "heat puddle" is a mirage that is seemingly a puddle, these mirages typically appear on:open roads, empty highways, or concrete surfaces. These "puddles" are created by heat reflecting off of the concrete which only happens when it is really hot.

I saw a "heat puddle(s)" today, it was a mirage of a puddle created by heat reflecting off the concrete

by Hannah Canadian August 17, 2017