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Self Conclusion

Self Conclusion is suicide.

self conclusion is often not the best solution

by Nick A March 28, 2007

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To call yourself so that you can find your cell phone.

"Dude, dial my number, I need a self-phone cause I was drunk last night when I put my cell phone down."

by afichte May 22, 2008

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self conny

Feeling insecure & self conscious about yourself because of what others think about you, especially in social situations

The social was Harriet's most SeLf CoNnY 2 hours to date, with her self confidence at an all time low, her self consciousness reached an all time high

Olive has become greatly SeLf CoNnY about her massive dome because of all the criticism she receives from her peers

J4ck is becoming increasingly SeLf CoNnY amongst his peers because of his large instagram following

by SeLf CoNnY June 10, 2017

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Occurs at the end of a night of heavy drinking after you've emptied your stomach in the toilet and rested your head on the toilet seat. It happens as you doze off and accidentally fall forward, touching your head to the toilet water and startling yourself awake. Often combined with confessions of drinking too much and outrageous promises of never drinking again.

Man, I fell asleep on the toilet and self-waterboarded sometime in the middle of the night. My nose was blue from the toilet cleaner when I got up.

by Andrew5544 March 31, 2008

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self mining

The act of inserting your penis into your own anus.

Hey I can't believe I just walked in on Joe self mining!

by -Bapwich- October 18, 2010

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In Criminal Law, it is an art of lying when facing a senate trial.

Synonym: Janet Napoles

Senate blue ribbon: Name the senators who are part of the Priority Development Assistance Fund scam.

Napoles: I invoke my right against self-incrimination.

by PORK November 7, 2013

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self harm

usually in the aftermath of some trauma which may have occured during ones formative years. A violation and ungodly act of hurt caused by the callous insensitivity of those who should know not to pick on those who are way too vulnerable, and simply can't take it. Revulsion and anger towards the physical self perhaps because of some deep hurt, i.e, abuse, bullying, sexual aggression, etc cetera.

Self harm as an act can encompass a variety of destructive behaviours, from cutting, burning, to shaving ones hair. I slashed my arms to ribbons due to a fragile mental state, 'cause i felt violent towards "them", for crossing a boundary with me, they thought i was "weird" and relentlessly mocked and degraded me, got used as a sexual punching bag when much younger. Has a devastating impact on sufferer, loss of sound mind, proper emotional development, limited life opportunities, inability to have healthy human relationships, don't trust others that they won't end up hurting me, just like all the rest. Hopelessness and apathy about mankind. A throbbing heart.....I could write a novella about it!

by anonymous for obvious reasons May 29, 2008

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