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Indian Curry

a spicy indian food that will make your asshole breathe fire for a week

awwww my ass hole hurts like i ate sum Indian curry

by sgreenman95 July 15, 2011

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Indian Drive By

A very lethal tactic used by most forty/fifty year old hairy odorful indian men, who walks towards an innocent group of young kids and lays a silent ass fart while he leaves. The fart soon starts to expand and causes a dirty current that leaves you hallucinated for days!

At the OKC Vball, Som Kaka surprised the Sister Chods with an Indian Drive By

by The Churro February 20, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Indian Roulette

There are six woven baskets, all with tops on them. Five of them are enclosed with treasures, the sixth has a poisonous snake.

Hey buddy, pick a basket, it's either fortune or death, it's called..Indian Roulette.

by slightlycoped December 14, 2008

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Green indian

Green indians are completely different to red indians. They are basically a typical indian person. They are usually from the north side of india and have a slight green tint in the skin.

Person 1 : woah dude look at that green girl
Person 2 : woooaahhh she must be a green indian

by Imwaitingforyou May 13, 2017

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Indian Cannonball

After watching the moving film The Life of Pi, one feels the need to dig up one of the drowned tsunami victims and rape them.

"Oh I just Indian Cannonballed this Indian kid yesterday."

by balls McLongin May 3, 2013

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Indian Wells

A community of people mostly ranging from 60-100 yrs old. Must be old and rich to live here. Thought Palm Desert and Palm Springs were quiet, dull and boring, Indian Wells takes the prize.

Joey: My grandpa moved to Indian Wells, lets drive down and visit."
Lisa: "There's nothing there but saggy balls, botox fiends and old people. Lets not."

by Alexa Atkinson March 19, 2015

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Indian sunrise

During a girls weekend in Vegas, I created my own delicious but toxic drink!
Indian Sunrise

2 oz parrots coconut rum
2 oz tequila
6 oz cranberry


Hey bartender, I'll have an Indian Sunrise on the rocks!

by DoctorPH August 23, 2010

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