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Facepalm of Justice

Facepalm of Justice is when somebody does something extremely stupid, and you facepalm while uttering "Facepalm of Justice"

When John decided to jump off of a moving car, Bret muttered "Facepalm of Justice", and slapped his forehead

by ninjacow October 29, 2010

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Street Justice

Illegal procedures, especially to get things done.

Why most cops use street justice?

by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant May 20, 2005

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Perfect Justice

Perfect Justice is about doing something that is right for everyone.

One guy molests a child, so the government should perform "Perfect Justice" and lock them up for life or kill him.

by NarutoU May 9, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Poetic Justice

Using literature (poems/ stories/ song....) to annoy/ inform your nemesis of their wrongdoings towards you or others.

'Oh my Gosh! She's crossed a line.'
'She needs some poetic justice!'

by Dahwae April 23, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justice League

This refers to a group of guys from Bethlehem, PA. They are all athletes and awesome in their own respect. They represent the classic comic book heroes and have unique nicknames that characterize their personalities. The group is comprised of Princess Man, Gay Man, CM Man, Unicorn Man, DUFF Man, and PK MAn. As a group, they are undefeatable, and as individuals, they run the show.

Guy 1: Hey who is that?
Guy 2: Oh thats the Justice League?
Guy 1: Awesome, I wish I was in a group as cool as them
Guy 2: We can make a group. We'll call it the Mario Brothers
Guy 1: ............ (shake head) no

by Halvinator January 3, 2010

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Justice Measurement

A varying unit of measurement relative to the Length and Diameter of the Professor's Penis.

He's got a Justice meat horse; Justice Measurement.

by Professor_Holmes November 16, 2021

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monkey justice

to train a monkey to shoot to kill,and protect your person,and property.

the security warning sign in my yard readsmonkey justice.

by Nogunsnofrowns October 31, 2013

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