Kaitlyn is a person who doesn't ask for much of anything, but will no doubt give anything she can just to please others. If she is faced with a problem, she will make sure her friends are okay before herself. The way her eyes shine. the way she smiles, and the way she laughs can change a persons life. Hearing her voice after a long day is the best thing you could ask for. She gives the best hugs and the best kisses. No matter what she will always have someone looking out for her. 444
Hey look it's Kaitlyn! She likes to hit things with her car in the snow :))
Kaitlyn has an amazing personality. She can be a little slaggy but is always there for you.
Kaitlyn is so lovely
She is very cool a child doesn’t know how to spell also is not formal at all 😔 thinks that she is older than me but isn’t
“I am technically older than you even though i’m not i’m just too much of a child to understand”
A sweet, kind, smart, artistic girl with a annoying brother👌
My best friend is such a Kaitlyn Chein.
a girl on nufc ft that fancies nufcpreston
kaitlyn ritson eats mcdonald’s every day!
She extremely beautiful but dont make her mad, she has a temper. She doesn't like to be touched often and she likes her space. She also has a lover that will never leave her.
Person 1: omg look at her
Person 2: Kaitlyn Clarks is often defined as beautiful