Whenever cops are handing people free money in cash, even if it's around the holidays, and don't want their faces shown, it makes some people wonder where the money came from and why they're really so eager to get rid of it. At least the ones that aren't unsuspecting.
Nobody would pay a business in kindness, so people must wonder why cops are all of a sudden being as "kind" as they are in some cities. The people that haven't taken anything from anybody aren't going around handing out $100 bills, even if they are rich.
They say kindness is free. So far, there are still bullies, wars, fights, murders, and unpleasant unkindness that says otherwise. Kindness is not free, if you want to know. You have to give it and then earn it, like a trade that benefits everyone. You can be kind and that's free, but prices can be expensive. The best price is when everyone gets a share of it.
"Remember, Melissa, when you show KINDNESS, you will spread KINDNESS!" "That sounds like a lotta bullshit Mommy."
A language in which the deaf can hear, the blind can see, the paraplegic can give, a mute can speak, and the numb can feel. Kindness can make you a beautiful person no matter what you look like. You can make someone's day just by showing a simple act of kindness.
Remember, Anon. Be kind to everyone no matter what they say about you :)
"Kindness is a language that anyone can speak and hear."
A language in which the deaf can hear, the blind can see, the paraplegic can give, a mute can speak, and the numb can feel. Kindness can make you a beautiful person no matter what you look like. You can make someone's day just by showing a simple act of kindness.
Remember, Anon. Be kind to everyone no matter what they say about you :)
"Kindness is a language that everyone can speak and hear."
People who think kindness is pacifism or weakness have watched one too many Jim Carrey movies.
In a Jim Carrey movie kindness might seem like weakness or the world might seem like a bubble because it's a movie.
Kindness: a social contract where one party (snowflake) can be a total self-centered, disrespectful and weak minded twat and the other party has to be nice to them by validating their pronouns and following ridiculous rules that make no sense.
Snowflake: show kindness and get vaccinated you Nazi.
Sane Person: I will, just looking for scientific data supporting it’s efficacy and safety
Snowflake: wahhh, you’re cancelled for hurting my feelings and scaring me
Sane Person: FJB
Absolutely yes but i don’t want them to know yet
Do you like him? ‘Idk kind of…
Do you like pasta? Idk kind of