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a guy who adds selfies inbetween his memes
(hi if you know a luis and you want to get to know him better, read this! >:()
every luis is a libra, every luis.
they tend to be funny and outgoing but label themselves shy and awkward.
all luis have a sidekick namend vanessa, if you as a luis dont, you either have to change your name or find a vanessa. preferably a cancer one.

luis likes the universe (talk to him about black holes) and he watches youtube videos named „sad chats that will make you cry compilation #354“ all the time.
luis always wants to obsess over someone, regardless gender (he isnt straight but dont tell his strictly religous mom).
luis die your hair pls, it looks cool but yolo <3
poem for you:

luis oh luis, so funny so cool, pls never go to brazil because i dont want you to go.

luis oh luis, stay here, luis oh luis. *poem ends*
luis likes cats and owns 12 of them! (wtf u r so cool)
and they dont got a name but if he would have to name them he would probanly name them gardfiel 1 and gardfiel 2. (ha ha funny you see?)

damn luis although my brain is dead i love you guy

never forget if you can dream it, you can do it lu!
ps: this is kinda a platonic love letter to luis

luis: „hi!“
everybody: „omg i wanna kiss him and then block him and break his heart!“
everybody else: „what? dont! its luis… he doesnt deserve that!“

*everybody starts crying*

by areyouacancerr November 22, 2021


i would say he's not your best friend in the whole wide world but is pretty popular

A guy named Luis is not at all a good communicator yet because he just really is pursues life and earns a lot of attention in the process

Luis is well, a C plus

by Happy Christian April 11, 2023


Lui is a god to football and is wery sweet. But still a super styring guy

Lui is Strong

by U mom gay September 25, 2018


Lui is Lui, a name that belongs to a simple genius, who has the audacity to boast about his shit ddosing skills.

See that bloke, he’s definitely a Lui

by Wowowoiw October 20, 2020


A pussy as bitch that cheats and messes with every girl that comes across him...he is very uncaring and only thinks about himself...and seshing 24/7 y se Cree bad ass el pendejo

Bitch your such a Luis

by Bwndienwhjendi April 9, 2019


the most amazing guy youll ever meet. Smart Handsome and Beutiful, sometimes can be a handful but it loving either way...He does hawever leave you on read, but u just forget because of his big dick <3

any other guy name: Damn sahwty

girl: Ew Im totally into luisss

by Dabig_cock69<3 July 21, 2022




by AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAaAAaaaaaaaaaSS November 23, 2021