A dirty blonde with big round chocolate eyes and a silly sweet bubbly personality.
In the instance that a special event happens between girls (usually white and between the ages of 12-17) they use lollipop in exchange for the word "oop".
Amanda said "and I lollipop" as Olivia told her the tea.
A different way to say "Lol" (Laughing out loud), with a internet spin on it.
Person 1: You died lol.
Person 2: Lollipop*
Person 1: Oh my bad top g Lollipop.
Person 2: That play was such a Lollipop.
A different word for penis or dick and cock
Yo, that girl i met at school was sucking my lollipop
LSD/acid in crystalized form, usually placed on a stick and shared amongst a group
"Damn bruh, if you keep suckin' on those lollipops you'll soon be suckin' yourself into the 8th dimension!!"
When a girl is licked clean, then thrown away.
When a girl is just used for sex.
She is being used just to be thrown away .
Lollipop means, when a girl is licked clean, then thrown away.