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London Fog

A fart in a steamy shower creating a fog like cloud that mimics the rainy and rancid city of London.

I was having a good morning till I accidentally gave myself a London Fog. Now my breakfast is coming back up.

by fartenthusiast December 25, 2020

London Fog

When your partner has an ice cube in their mouth and breaths cold air on you before performing cunnilingois

Before he went down on me he gave me a cool sensation when he did a London Fog on me.

by Femmeword January 26, 2020

london gentleman

When while in the produce section, you rub a kiwi at the same time you rub one of your balls .

I got kicked out of Wal-Mart for enjoying a London gentleman .

by Ben waah May 22, 2018

London Teabag

When a man teabags someone with poor dental hygiene. The teabagee is usually missing some teeth.

The London Teabag is common in England. Self explanatory

by You EclipsedByMe March 7, 2011

London Chimney

Requiring two people but works best with three. There is a Furnace, a Chimney, and a Sweeper. The sweeper prepares the Chimney by rolling them on their back feet first so their ass points up in the air and gently inserts anal beads into the Chimney's open anus. The Furnace prepares the smoke by ripping a massive bong load and then blows the load into the Chimney's open asshole, Loading the chimney. The Furnace then vigorously rips the anal beads out, forcing the bong load into the Sweeper's mouth.

Dan: I can't believe how long the smoke trail was last night.

Steve: Yeah, the London Chimney gets you high, bud.

by Butt2Face January 8, 2023

London Brown

Just a cool ass dude who most definitely fucks 24/7 and balls no matter what. A total beast and should not be fucked with ever.

OMG he reminds me of London Brown the mythical legend everyone loves!!

by LondoHashBrouns September 6, 2022

Grace and london

Grace and london are the type of people that will smoke a stizzy and get in trouble for it london has no hoes grace has plenty of them grace will force london to do things while london gets bullied by everyone london is fat grace is skinny grace is popular but london has a small friend group

Damn grace and london are bad people

by Bob the Hilde August 21, 2022