"Hey Curtis check out them milky dogs"
In a nightclub
"Lets go get us some milky dogs!"
Another word for a cow.
By Brian David Gilbert.
It's a field full of milky dogs!
The most wonderful persons in the world! Most lovely one specially if they are libra ❤️❤️
used as a compliment for a beautiful and amazing girlfriend
me: hey do u know milki ?
u: no i dont
me: i hate u
When you bust a load off a hill or any high surface, and land it in someone's belongings
"Aye did you see that Australian Milky Bomb I dropped last night?"
"Yeah mate! You got it right in his maccas"
A food which Is a rare delicacy around the world, but highly popular and mass produced in Bolton.
Locals of Bolton pronounce this as 'Milki Po-tati', and tend to drool when emphasizing the 'Po-tati'.
Bolton folk usually enjoy milky potato throughout all walks of life on a daily basis, some even shower eating, others light milky potatoes like candles whilst making sweet, sensual love to another Bolton being, just so that Potat-scents cancel out the stank of the dirty Bolton monge.
The worlds leading producer of Milky Potato is based is Bolton, down split road, near Spar.
Ay Love, Pass Ti Milky Potati (Milky Potato)
“Oh Andile, you’re such a silly billy milky kilky!”