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Place where parents send their kids to "learn." In actuality, school is a reason for the kids to leave the house for the parents to have sex without the distraction/intrusion of their kids.

Little Johnny caught his mommy and daddy doing something so they sent Johnny to school.

by LOLimjohnny November 11, 2010

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A system that scores you based on how much you fail and encourages high pressure competition, segregation, prejudice and non-thinking assumptions upon which are based the (lack of) reasoning for blindly obeying what you're told. this is education? rofl. yeah fucking right. more like A CULT or a CONCENTRATION CAMP!

cult useless lies school

by Paradigmshiftdocs4u August 19, 2011

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A place where you are kept for 18 years where they force you to listen to a person of higher power so the world will never experience another Che Guevara

Guy1: Why do we go to school?

Teacher: SO we dont have another Che Guevara! now pull out ur math books NOW!

Guy2: Che Guevara? who's that

Teacher: someone you will never learn about EVER!

by Batman123456789 June 3, 2008

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A place where kids go to learn things that are basically useless to know as an adult :)

Person 1: remember Geometry from back in high school?

person 2: Nope. Don't remember a thing!
person 1: Me neither, gosh it was pointless!!
person 2: riiigghhhttt??!?!?

by hiudsavbuds bvfijufds February 8, 2010

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A little jail where you lose many precious hours trying to do the work and extra work they give you during and after it gets out.

Man, I have a shitload of homework from going to school!

by Squueaky May 3, 2005

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School....What the fuck is going on?!

School....What the fuck is going on?!

by Hari Iyer January 11, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


The place where you go for eighteen (and possibly more) years to get prepared for the real world which sucks just as much. Teachers will spend up to eight hours shoving information under your fingernails and blowing smoke in your face to mark your grade down after class for turning your head. When you finally get to go home, you are strapped back down to the electric chair of homework and are zapped thouroughly with the white-hot burn of homework until ten o' clock at night when you finally get sleep and have nightmares about getting your head dunked in a toilet the next day. Tomorrow, you get to go back.

I would love to have a life, but I have school.

by DarkerThanThou March 9, 2010

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