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Whitetail Deer

It’s a deer that lives in the wilderness, sees every damn movement you make, makes them hard to kill, if your not baiting them, every time I kill one I hit it from the behind, and eat it raw thank you.

Alex: Did you kill a Whitetail Deer

Kyle: Yes I hit it from that back

by Diplotard_101 November 7, 2020


Has a couple of different meanings. Prominently used to describe when someone is getting their ass beat in a fight. Can also be used to describe someone who has a crisp haircut.

“Ahhh, I see the barber deered you up with the nice fade. Did you watch Ben Askren get deered up by Jake Paul?”

by TheGodFather5 July 29, 2021

apathy deer

apathy deer is something some people may say whenever like theres a apathetic deer in there backyard cause there in like kansas or something and there like ''wow, that deer ?? really just does not care at all dude about those like grass blades'' ''yeah thats a pretty apathy deer moment if you ask me, ryan'' and then the deer, well, they just, EAT those blades of grass like its NOBODYS business, and they dont even CARE. its commonly used as a slang term with people from US states that have deers, and are basically just trees and farm land and how did people even build there and really, why ???

person one : hey ryan, have you seen that deer ??

person two : oh yeah there really a apathy deer right now, i barely have ever seen those

by angelism April 16, 2022

jhon deer

a type of tracktor

KIEK DOAR! EEN JHON DEER! poah helemaal mooi

by don't use your real name twat January 9, 2017

deer brains

this is when your doberman or big dog goes insane. Usually a she, and will amaze you of how stupid she is. She can also cuddle in a weird way, by taking up the whole bed. And slobbers everywhere. And has a dent in there head. Physically and mentally.

" Oh my god what is wrong with your dog?!"
"Don't worry about her, she has deer brains."

by doodle1127 November 28, 2019

Red Deer curling

v. Flinging heavy granite stones about while solidly drunk.


Four more beer and I am going to put a bonspiel on my head and do me some Red Deer curling.

by gnostic3 January 29, 2019

sniper deer

A YouTube channel who does not make good videos but gets subs anyways.

Sniper deer is weird

by Wordman59420 April 22, 2022