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Extremely gay and death.

OHIO-LIONSKEEPER is extremely die.

by Crabby_Souls October 16, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A place where all the hood rats and ballers live. Just kidding its a small town in ohio surrounded by fields and sex predators living within 500 feet of school.

This Guy: Lets go to Haskins,Ohio!
Other Guy: Ok!
(5 mins later)
This Guy: Were here
Other Guy:This blows

by ThisGuyFarms419 April 30, 2011

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

bluffton ohio

a small town in northwest ohio full of insensitive, arrogant assholes and moms who are constantly in high school drama

you’re a dramatic, arrogant bitch? must be from bluffton ohio...

by trapmoneyb3nny January 8, 2021

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

ohio flood

Similar to Cleveland Steamer only with less consistency to the stool.

I had tacos for dinner last night so I gave your mom the Ohio Flood.

by I H8 Bottles December 16, 2004

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Marion Ohio

It's a place in Central Ohio. If you're born there, your sister is probably your mother.

Person A: Why does his mom and dad look alike?

Person B: Oh, they're from Marion Ohio.

by marionpresidents April 28, 2009

44πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

sandusky ohio

City where there's roller coasters and where the crack heads lurk. Most people are just talk, and kids act like they're gonna 'fight' everyone who breathes. In summary a town of drug addicts and bad ass kids.

Did you see that crazy ass crack head at Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio?

by select marijuana February 19, 2016

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Springfield Ohio

The Gary Indiana of Ohio.

Drugs, violence, prostitution; that's Springfield Ohio!

by BoRag December 8, 2017

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