Describing anybody who imposes on an engagement without invitation or registration.
One pirate participant was disqualified from the marathon upon finishing on the account that he was too cheap to pay the registration fee for an official number.
A hand job with all your rings on.
Honey, I appreciate that you love your engagement ring, but this pirate job is leaving my little sailor looking like hamburger.
gay termonlogy used to describe one man schlonging another in the ass.
eric "porthole pirated" jose last night. just shortly after giving a rusty trumbone.
A way to describe someone who is talking absolute nonsense, pure crap, and nothing but stupidness.
'Jeez, this guy's got nothin' but Pirate Sputter in his mouth.'
1. Having a buoyant or self-confident air like a pirate.
2. Crisp and dapper in appearance.
3. Self knowing in confidence on the field of battle.
"Andy resembled a jaunty pirate as he entered the office, his appearance was fierce as he exuded nothing but confidence."
When a woman only shows one of their two breasts. A pirates eye-patch is like the woman's bra, covering up one eye.
Person 1: So did you finally see her sweet montezumas?
Person 2: Na man, just a pirate peek, but it was worth seeing the one paw pattie.