Term used by someone (usually a male Gen Z teen) to describe his/hers feeling that someone on their team (or something)is making them lose a competition (or something).
Bro stop selling gawddam 💀 We are trying to win ðŸ˜
Something that is commited by vicente, the act of choosing other people over you or not responding
Damn bro dudes selling, for sure vicente
Someone called Kieran when he's playing Valorant
Kieran was selling when he went 0 and 17
Me: was cracking
You : Ima go sell the la Times on my block real quick
Must have something to do with horse racing
She was no selling plater from Dougherty's Eye-Opener by O. Henry
Your da sells avon
If you saw someone selling avon in the street, it’s probably Jacob Manners’s dad.
Fuck off daft cunt, your da sells avon
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