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A filler word for something you can’t be bothered to explain.

A word to dead off a convo and to tell the other person to forget about it.

:whats the guys name again?
:ah fuck, shells init.


:yeah this convo is dry man.
:shells init.

by KP x Z1 February 26, 2021


The backdoor access into every smart phone/ smart device with wifi or bluetooth capabilities, that uses .. telecommunications network systems.

so I guess I cant detach my battery to my cell phone anymore, i guess they want backdoor access VIA through the SHELL AMINISTRATOR PROGRAM to track us ALL THE TIME, even when my phone is powered off. Yeah, HE REPLIED, " It's all in the game yo".

by STAR PEOPLE April 13, 2022


v. to tuck your bent legs against your chest and pull your shirt or sweatshirt down over your knees, usually in an attempt to make yourself feel warmer

The wind this morning made me so cold that I had to interrupt my walk of shame and sit down in the middle of campus to shell for a couple of minutes. I knew it was a stupid decision to wear shorts out last night!

by Grandma72 October 7, 2009


Money, the bread. the bones. $$

Bro, they are charging 5 shells for this water bottle

Damn that kid owed me 20 shells

by jalooper December 3, 2020


that was fucked up; i cant believe you just did that!!

"did you see that girl just trip the blind girl?"

"OMG yes! that was sooooo shelll!

by thisisstoopid February 17, 2011


Shell means to be high asf after smoking some weed

Maan i just got done smokin some loud ... Im shell asf nigga

by Layna234 December 6, 2018


The place is which things occur

Hey boys y’all tryna hit shell?

by Literally Him February 18, 2023