Pretty, masculine lesbian with petty female tendencies. Behavior is typically displayed in a group setting as an audience is required
I went out with my girl and her ratchet stud friends were there; they pulled me to the side, threatened me if I didn’t treat her good and stole my pocketbook at the end of the night.
The men you find anywhere in the UK where there are roadworks occurring. Recognised by high-viz vests and hard hats. The function of the Road Stud is to stand around at the roadside in threes; two doing absolutely nothing but chatting or looking at a mobile phone whilst only one is actually working. Known as Road Studs because they will stare, leer and/or catcall any vehicle passing with female drivers.
Used to describe extremely strong coffee, or any other beverage that is stronger than expected.
This coffee is as strong as stud horse piss with the foam farted off
A person who tries to appear important, or who tries to lay down the law in his community.
The Movie "Will Penny":
Will Penny to the boss of the Flatiron range: "You the stud duck?"
Boss of the Flatiron range: "That's right."
male pornstar, usually with a wide variety of different sex partners, either a boy or female. HAS A BIG DICK!!!!!!!!!
Wala stud(s) is like a fine crafted pair of stud earrings or a Diamond stud earring
What they are a pair of wala studs you can tell by the way they look what studs they wala every one