A gay dating site for midgets
The gay midget got a hookup on Stump grinders
I was sittin on my deck lookin at a stup & realized I was going nowhere . Kinda like " kikin Stump"
A.K.A. cut off tree ( for you wankers )
generaly a term used by old people to refer to new age music thats past there era such as hip hop, rap, techno, and anything else that has a fast eletronic beat
you kids and your damn "stump jumping music" is irritating.
The act of trying to flatulate out out gas from your rectum, but is blocked by a small piece of feces that was pushed through the bowels by gas, usually needing to get the blockage clears by going to the restroom.
"Man, I really have to fart, but every time I try, I feel like it's blocked by a shit stump, And I feel like I have to shit."
Someone who is an extreme pervert yet also a huge Christian freak at the same time. Their amputated leg also looks like an over grown penis.
Stump Nuts: Anyone named Josh
When a man or woman who is missing legs pulls on your necklace, stethoscope, or other appendage.
When I leaned in to kiss her, she gave me an aggressive stump n' tug.
When one is masturbating so intensely, they rip their penis off.
Male 1: Dude i love masturbating to the thought of her
Male 2: I like to but it's to dangerous anymore i rumped my stump thinking of her.
Male 1: I would love her to rump my stump and rump your stump when it grows back