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Westerlund Syndrome

When the hairline recedes into the form of a W at an early age.

(May give autism, not confirmed by science)

McDonald: Hey, look at my hair!

Donnatello: Aw shit dude, you got Westerlund Syndrome!

McDonald: At least I'm not autistic.

by MacAndDonnatello September 25, 2018

Steppies syndrome

When a person visually experiences the world upside down but in a 2-Dimensional field, similar to Alice in Wonderland syndrome but everything is black and white

he thought that he was heading to the surface but he was diving deeper into the depths of the swimming pool because he has Steppies Syndrome.all of a sudden he hit the bottom of the pool.
His eyes were bulging with a red yellow tint because of Steppies Syndrome

by Mielas13 February 15, 2022


MrTinkertrain is a user on IRC who cannot be identified by any other users on the network but knows who everyone else is.(exception to Admin and higher staff)
This causes 'Tinkertrain-syndrome'

Tinkertrain-syndrome: An IRC virus/infection which effects the curiosity of the victem(s).
Early warning signs of Tinkertrain-syndrome include denial, slight hate and mild begrudging curiosity.
The full blown Tinkertrain-syndrome infection/virus leads to insanity, voilent rage, rage /quit's and excessive pm's begging/pleading to find out the persons identity.

This can be adapted to other nicknames and other users on any network. The first case of this infection/virus was named after the first user not able to be identified.

MrTinkertrain is the original to the Nevitus IRC server. His true identity is still unknown.
Many have fallen in the quest to find it out... God rest their souls.

Warning logs are from the original MrTinkertrain users are advised to read with caution.
(Victems names have been changed)

Public chat example:

*MrTinkertrain joins #lobby
<MrTinkertrain> Hey 'real name of user1' and hey 'real name of user2'
<user1> Hi, who are you?
<user2> Yeah who are?
<MrTinkertrain> A friend.
<user1> No seriously who are you and how do you know my name?
<user1> Does anyone know who MrTinkertrain is?
<user2> No but he knows us....
**user2 cries

Pm example:

<user1> Who are you MrTinkertrain ?
<MrTinkertrain> I'm sorry i have no wish to reveal my true identity.
<user1> Give me a clue?
<MrTinkertrain> No, sorry.
<user1> But you know who -I- am.
<MrTinkertrain> Yes i do.
<user1> So tell me who you are?
<MrTinkertrain> Like i said, I have no wish to reveal my true identity.
<user1> You're user2 arn't you? I knew it!
<MrTinkertrain> You're incorrect.

- 5 mins of silence pass-


This conversation will repeat over and over again. The user become more and more curious leading to irrational behaviour and other symptoms thus catching Tinkertrain-syndrome.

by N\Bandit. March 28, 2009

Olaf syndrome

When you are the only guy in a girl friendgroup. They usually act gay but they only want to take the girls to bed

Guy 1: Bro Joe already fucked Emma and Jasmine too
Guy 2: I knooow he totally has olaf syndrome

by hoeforharrys June 24, 2020

Emir Syndrome

Emir Syndrome is basically a syndrome that one can have. Person with Emir Syndrome will never look at chat or messages you send, even if they do they won't pay any attention.
Basically a person with this syndrome will send same thing you sent to them or in group chat right after you or someone sent it and act like you/them didn't.
It comes from guy named Emir who used to do this all the time.

Person 1: *sends a meme*
Person 2: HAHAHAHA, that is such a good meme.
Person 3: Omg, never laughed so much in my life.
Person with syndrome: *send the exact same meme*
Person 1: Dude you have Emir Syndrome, stop it...

by Floks April 27, 2021

Cera Syndrome

Noun. Ailment named after the still somewhat childlike actor Micheal Cera, causing the victim to be frozen in an ageless span of time in which others believe them to be several years younger than they chronologically are. Victims may show incremental height increase but retain the same face and body shape they had at the time the disease was triggered. There is no cure for this, but some with the disease try to alleviate the symptoms with promiscuous behavior, drug and alcohol addictions and smoking, and a metric ton of makeup. These practices have not been medically proven to make one look older and are not recommended without close observation from peers.

Girl One: "Ohmigod that boy is so cute!"

Girl Two: "Yeah... but he's not a pedophile.... He's like 6 years older than you, dude. Poor guy has Cera Syndrome"

Girl One: "Aww... that's just too bad."

by franzthegreymonkey August 16, 2010

8👍 1👎

Roundabout Syndrome

When a girl appears to be fit from behind, you approach and she turns around to reveal she is in fact minging

Guy 1:"That girls looks fit, I'm going in"

Guy 2:"Yea go for it"

2 minutes later....

Guy 2:"Was she not game?"

Guy 1:"Naaa mate, roundabout syndrome"

by carltondcb16 May 12, 2011