Some dude that goes around throwing their backpack at random people and running away. These people will often go around wearing turbans and middle eastern clothing so they look like a terrorist. they often will shout allah u akbar incorrectly and post there prank on youtube this has become a trend called the terrorist bombing prank and you can see this crap on youtube.
Just go on youtube to see a fake suicide bomber.
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A game consisting of throwing 1 or 2 used (or unused) acme pads in the toilet and attempting to sink them to the bottom of the bowl by shitting on them. Aiming is allowed, and after a few tries you should begin to learn important butthole bombing skills. Though you can not use your hands or foreign objects to reposition the pads you are allow to create a current to move them by pissing on the inside of the bowl. This method is often difficult for women, if women actually play this game at all. Each sinked pad is worth 50 points and a major pride boost.
Guy 1: Guess what?!
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: I was playing Acme Pad Turd Bomber (APTB) earlier and I
lodged a pad between two pieces of shit!
Guy 2: Thats so awesome! Did you take a picture?
Guy 1: I was so proud I left it! Quick, lets go see it before
someone flushes it!
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Papa John is a 26 year old sexually frustrated man who lives in New York,not the pizza one,he's a catfish.Papa never fucked a girl in real life so he constanly cums on his blue towel while sleep.Hungry for pussy and sick of google nudes,Papa John, formed a terrorist band called "Papa and the 72 pussy bombers".They usually plant bombs on their victims' pussy during night time to satisfy their sexual frustration.
I am Papa John and the 72 pussy bombers! I will anhiate your hooha!
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The act of placing one's testicles on the bridge of another person's nose so that a testicle drupes over each eye to emulate goggles, especially those worn by world War two bomber pilots.
My dad gave me a set of bomber goggles last night and it made breakfast pretty awkward.
Skylight Bomber is Comp Minecraft player
Skylight Bomber Is Pro
A person who comments on anything, uncalled for or not
This guy is such a dive bomber
When you a shite so god damn stank that the air vent in your bathroom permiates the entire godamn world...
"Dude I just committed an act of terror against all other Alpha Males and dropped a huge duce in my toilet and now I'm labeled a Pooiside Bomber"