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Giraffe Flaps

The level of highness directly below bird pussy.

I'm so high I went straight past giraffe flaps and right up to bird pussy.

by Bumblecakes July 8, 2011

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flap flairs

when a womans flaps have been bumped and grinded too much so that they have been bust open like a dwarfs hairy nuddger throdder.

"mum, you have beutiful flap flairs"

by joanthono willabartio mckrakfannywheey Lindsense August 15, 2006

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Gunji Flap

The Gunji Flap is the weirdest piece of skin on a man's body. It is located below the testicles and above the taint. This flap of skin is known as the Gunji Flap.

Very Similar to the "taint" which is the 2nd weirdest part of the body.

"Dude! I was watching this movie with Tom Cruise and I noticed he had the hottest Gunji Flap!"

"Dude I heard my friend was rubbing his Gunji Flap to some porn last night! What a tool!"

by ydooWoody February 23, 2012

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FLIPITY FLAPS can be anything that flips and flaps.For example the tesitcals, saggy old womens tits,etc

My flipty flaps has a small bump growing on the side of them

by DONALD December 16, 2004

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Flap Cracker

When a lady squirts some love paste onto a cracker for her guy/gals eating pleasure.

Please note: When making you own flap crackers be sure to eat on the day of creation due to a short BBE date, they can quickly turn nasty!

1) Hey up love, fancy squirting me a flap cracker?

2) Scrape your udders on me hob nob luv, I fancy a flap cracker.

by PruneBoy October 29, 2013

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flap Jacks

Describes two body parts in particular on the femal body. Volumeless saggy breast which resemble the pancake like flat bread called flap jacks.

Also describes a flat ass

She should have wore a bra, without one her boobs look like flap jacks.

by kumquat87 October 19, 2009

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Flapping Butthole

While having sexual intercoarse randomly jump on her face and thrust your ass cheeks back and forth repeatedly. Depending on the mood you may want to take a dirty shit while doing the flapping butthole.

Bowers got the nastiest flapping butthole ever. Afterward he had a shit stain on his cheek for a week.

by NIGGA FUCK September 29, 2007

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