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Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford.
A name usually confused with the famous American Actor that is most commonly recognized for his role in Star wars but in reality Harrison Ford can relate to the name of one of the best friends in the entire universe. He is the Greatest Of All Time (A GOAT).

Person 1 (Zoe): "Is that a goat?"
Person 2 (Rose): "Yeah, his name is Harrison Ford."
Person 3 (Random): "Omg, goals."

by roseissocoolomg August 23, 2017

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Harrison Eldridge

Meme lord

Fails NNN but no one cares. Often has an erection then shoots through the gas stove, eating 10 grandpas before landing on pluto. He gets mad at his dad for not being his dad. Every day he gets his pet grape to lick a friendly cow. His lamas eat sexy paper clips. He trains Starbucks napkins to steal his goldfish crackers but is still not successful. There are purple mushrooms in Harry's backyard that scream tacos. He is so blue he is greener than purple. He spends his day thinking of his favourite colour on a scale from one to ten what is his favourite colour in the alphabet. Hi harry I'm dad

Teacher "Harrison Eldridge"
Harrison " I Just wanted my chair back"

"Bastard potato poot wedge and law enforcement suckers behind the national debt that Willy ate took attraction to that fat hamburger we all knew and rested in dinner peace"

"Don't touch my crayons, they can smell glue. Don't smell my desk. It can make jam"

by "surfboard" November 13, 2019

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chris harrison

A man with a very large penis

"Omg Becky! I slept with Jimmy last night and let me tell you...he is a total Chris Harrison" girth

by slimbo1976 March 3, 2016

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Dirty Harrison

A straight male normally liking women by the name of harrison

Dirty Harrison likes Clara because she’s only in 6th and she’s hot.

by Minion Mayhem36 April 13, 2020

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Harrison Ford

The act of forcably shoving a hard object (preferably a 3 lbs dumbell) into another person's ass until they call you Harrison Ford.

While John was holding Adam down, I was shoving the dumbell into Adams ass and yelling, "Call Me Harrison Ford!!!" until he called me Harrison Ford.

by Scott Bridgehouse April 6, 2011

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George Harrison

The rhythm guitarist of The Beatles. He wrote many famous songs such as "Here Comes The Sun" and "Somthing". He died in 2001 due to cancer.

George Harrison was the "Quiet Beatle".

by mr y June 20, 2006

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Harrison Kersey

A name for someone who enjoys getting beaten up.

Person 1: Who’s that boy Jake Bailey is sitting on?
Person 2: That’s Fred. Ew look he’s got a boner. What a Harrison Kersey!

by joshshagshorses December 24, 2019

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