Source Code

Lemming lane

Noun~ Any lane on the road (normally at an intersection) where all other vehicles seem to be in for no apparent reason.
Can be any lane

Look Skwirrl, there are 8 cars in the lemming lane and none in the right.

by Lord Gekko May 22, 2008

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lane monitor

A driver who sees it as their responsibility to drive the speed limit so others won't speed.

I was late because a pair of lane monitors in parallel had the whole freeway crawling.

by BanquoLives March 14, 2009

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lane changing

when someone switches gangs

I hate lane changing ass niggas lol

by kynumba7 April 12, 2018

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emily lane

probably the most cutest, funniest, and all around good person. She’s faithful and loves her man. Even though she’s bi polar she still knows how to have a good time. Loves Chinese. Also really loves her man and her man loves her very much too. But if you try to flirt with her then her man might attack you. SO STAY AWAY PAL.

β€œIs that emily lane?”

β€œYeah she’s all Aaron’s”

by emilylanelover March 27, 2018

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primrose lane

A primrose lane is for a person, suddently, to have a nice and prosperous flow i life.

Oh, look at my friend here, heΒ΄s walkinΒ΄ down primrose lane; new good job and new gorgeous girlfriend, all out of the blue..

by train in the distance March 11, 2009

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winters lane

catonsvilles hood full of small low scale apartments, atl style houses, a local gospel church that promotes gang awareness, the brick house bar, and hustlers on every corner. the apartments are traphouses (houses where drugs are bought manufactured and sold) or either mexicans or blacks chillin. if your white you better be packin, buyin, or well respected

lets chill and have some cognac at the brick house and then go back to the crib;
i got some fire and that yay to sell to this boy. i aint walkin down winters lane at night nigga what you crazy?

by esskay 420 March 6, 2008

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Quarry Lane

A smart, intellectual, school where the students are academically ambitious and strive for academic achievement. The teachers work with the student, and teach new things that will help your child's intelligence prosper and grow. Many parents are satisfied with this school, and recommend it for you child.

Quarry Lane is a intellectual school

by Neil George October 24, 2016

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