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In your situation

The sweetest angel walking on Earth that despite being busy with a family and another kid on the way, always goes the extra mile for her everyone. Good? Happy?

Are you sure you can do that in your situation?

by HalfManHalfAmazing077 April 29, 2023

megaton situation

Having to live around an objectzl, that if interacted with, will wipe out everything

The town of Megaton is surrounded around a megaton atomic bomb, that no one dares to detonate or defuse. The people of the town are now basing all their towns' identity around this bomb. This is what we define a megaton situation.

by Gatesby September 16, 2023

situational loser

When someone is what is traditionally understood as a loser, but only in very specific situations. Their loserdom is not consistent throughout their life. The condition oscillates from day to day. They may be a winner in some dimensions, but occasionally loser attributes often emerge when the universe throws the right (wrong) things their way.

Can you believe he didn't go home with that girl? What a situational loser. Great guy otherwise though. Madly respect and love him.

by Jósh January 13, 2024

Plaper Situation

When your life fluctuates between weird to fucked up to lost and everything in between.

"Is she drunk? "
"Why else would someone play air guitar for half an hour straight?"
"Dude this is a pretty plaper situation we've got on our hands."

by xnofy May 6, 2010

double uno situation

When you need to go number 2 and attempt to be extra discreet about the predicament.

-Where has Jane gone to?
-She had to go deal with a double uno situation.
-Thats classic Jane, told her do it before we left home, she can't couldn't listen to me to fucking save herself.
She had all damn morning to do it and now we're going to be late to the wet Tshirt contest.

by Big dick André August 17, 2024

J Cole out of the situation

when you're being flamed in a situation (usually an argument) so you decide to just dip instead of getting into more trouble (or apologise before being dissed further)

"F the big 3, it's just big me"
*doesn't want failed Rwanda basketball career mentioned* "sorry" *proceeds to J Cole out of the situation*

by richer den u May 19, 2024

Situational ghosting

When a friend makes plans with you, waits until the day of the event and then gives vague answers by text and does not answer her phone instead of telling you she is not coming.

Becca was supposed to go out with us but then totally disappeared—she is the queen of situational ghosting.

by Winc12345 June 1, 2019