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Two bagger

A slang term for running miles. Instead of “I did a two miler today”, it’s I did a “two bagger”.
Running is not fun. It is work. And it’s what we do. We put miles in the bag each day, each week. So when you hit a 2 miler, you’re getting a two-bagger. Constantly putting more miles in your bag. Get it done.

Side note: walking can count too. If you and a friend meet up for a 2 mile walk, you got a two-bagger in. 3 miles = 3 bagger.

If you’re bold enough to get 5 miles, that’s a a 5 bagger.

Dave: Hey bro, you wanna grab a quick two bagger after work?
Cheese: Yeah man, I’ll meet you at MLK at 5:02 and let’s do work.
Dave: Word. I wanna get a sweat in before I head home to the boo.

by Dubya The Runner March 12, 2022

two lines

A common technique used when drawing a penis. The foreskin is represented by two lines that separate the head from the shaft.

Hey Tony, did you see that dick someone drew on the board in the weight room? Yeah, it had two lines so I bet Paul drew it.

by ChrisSutton July 30, 2016

Two Bang

The art of knocking a person or animal unconscious in just two hits.

"Did you see mike get well pissed off with that hater?"
"yeah he gave him the two bang."

by The Chip May 5, 2011

Two Tucker

When your balls hang low enough that your girl can reach around, while your banging her on top, and stuff both your nuts up her ass. The feeling is intense like a tiny midget hand squeezing your nads. Desired by many. Accomplished by the gifted few.

Thanks to my heavy hangers, Rachel did the two tucker on me last night. So tight.

Braaaaahh I can’t shake the sight of waking in on you and my sister doing the two tucker.

by Eaton Holgoode February 5, 2018

two jags

Heavyweight Deputy Prime Minister of the UK. Lard-arse with a penchant for Jaguars. As with most politicians, in disgrace. Famously beat up some animal rights hippy who threw an egg at him.

two jags became two jabs

by tosh mactavish III August 7, 2006

Audrey Two

A man-eating plant that can deceive a human into losing their free will and morals, causing them to kill and hunt humans for the plant’s hunger. It consumes only blood and flesh and is a fan of murdering poor defenseless dentists. Gender unknown.

Person 1: Man, my dentist really did a bad job on my teeth last visit.
Person 2: You should send them an Audrey Two!

by Sunlmski October 11, 2023

Two cans

An abundance of. Many. LOTS!

Robert - it smells like two cans
Mandy - two cans?

by Femme boy October 16, 2020