A mystical creature that dwells in the forest. Often this creature attacks people on nature hikes. Almost never leaves its tree, this creature looks a lot like an Uphold, very short, ugly and smells like bear droppings.
Damn I was walking thru the woods last week and a tree bastard attacked me.
That tree bastard looks like an Uphold, ugly looking things
A tree used for comfort or seggs.
Person A: Look it's a comfort tree
Person B: Nice comfort tree
a lot of the stuff they have actually works contrary to popular beliefs they food you should be skeptical of but the snacks like chips and popcorn are on-point the cleaning supplies are a deep discount, c'mon damn near a gallon of bleach for $1 that's baller my g or the fabuloso or trash bags
Dollar Tree- Trial Size Quality, Solid and used by many--- the notebooks which trachers tell ypu to buy have pages some of which are of shitty quality
Just think of it as a playground for One Dolla' Balla's Pimps and Playas from the Himalayas
Someone who rubs their penis against a tree for sexual pleasures.
Oh look at that guy over there ,rubbing his balls against a tree!,he’s a tree fiddler
I'm doing okay! At first the oxygen stuff was scaring me but now I think I'm doing okay-well, that is, except for the swimming. Call me autumn but I just want to fall apart. If you don't catch what I'm saying, I'm talking about my leaves. I've always been somewhat paranoid but this is a whole new level-luckily this dancing stuff is cool, huh? I mean, who would've thought the power of dance is something we would take advantage of today. Also could Power of Dance be a TPOT parody? TPOD: the power of dance? Would be a lame prize I suppose. I wonder if I win Two's power, if my dance abilities underwater would improve. I think my mind is shifting. Yeah, I actually like the prize. Maybe we should consult Two about changing the prize to "The Power of Dance." Thoughts? Let's be real. I doubt they'd ever go for that. Renaming this early into the season? No, no, no! Also, my biggest secret is
hey, did you like the scene where tree said " I'm doing okay! At first the oxygen stuff was scaring me but now I think I'm doing okay-well, that is, except for the swimming. Call me autumn but I just want to fall apart. If you don't catch what I'm saying, I'm talking about my leaves. I've always been somewhat paranoid but this is a whole new level-luckily this dancing stuff is cool, huh? I mean, who would've thought the power of dance is something we would take advantage of today. Also could Power of Dance be a TPOT parody? TPOD: the power of dance? Would be a lame prize I suppose. I wonder if I win Two's power, if my dance abilities underwater would improve. I think my mind is shifting. Yeah, I actually like the prize. Maybe we should consult Two about changing the prize to "The Power of Dance." Thoughts? Let's be real. I doubt they'd ever go for that. Renaming this early into the season? No, no, no! Also, my biggest secret is..."? it would be a great copypasta. how about call it the tree copypasta?
I'm doing okay! At first the oxygen stuff was scaring me but now I think I'm doing okay-well, that is, except for the swimming. Call me autumn but I just want to fall apart. If you don't catch what I'm saying, I'm talking about my leaves. I've always been somewhat paranoid but this is a whole new level-luckily this dancing stuff is cool, huh? I mean, who would've thought the power of dance is something we would take advantage of today. Also could Power of Dance be a TPOT parody? TPOD: the power of dance? Would be a lame prize I suppose. I wonder if I win Two's power, if my dance abilities underwater would improve. I think my mind is shifting. Yeah, I actually like the prize. Maybe we should consult Two about changing the prize to "The Power of Dance." Thoughts? Let's be real. I doubt they'd ever go for that. Renaming this early into the season? No, no, no! Also, my biggest secret is
person: hey, did you watch the new tpot episode where tree says "I'm doing okay! At first the oxygen stuff was scaring me but now I think I'm doing okay-well, that is, except for the swimming. Call me autumn but I just want to fall apart. If you don't catch what I'm saying, I'm talking about my leaves. I've always been somewhat paranoid but this is a whole new level-luckily this dancing stuff is cool, huh? I mean, who would've thought the power of dance is something we would take advantage of today. Also could Power of Dance be a TPOT parody? TPOD: the power of dance? Would be a lame prize I suppose. I wonder if I win Two's power, if my dance abilities underwater would improve. I think my mind is shifting. Yeah, I actually like the prize. Maybe we should consult Two about changing the prize to "The Power of Dance." Thoughts? Let's be real. I doubt they'd ever go for that. Renaming this early into the season? No, no, no! Also, my biggest secret is" in dance language?
other person: yeah lets just call it the tree copypasta.