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Egyptian Egg

A tasty breakfast meal. It involves taking a piece of bread, buttering it, cutting a hole in the middle of it and then cracking an egg into the hole. The bread and egg are cooked on a skillet, flipped over once, and served.

What shall we have for breakfast?
In honor of the Egyptian Eggbeater, how about some Egyptian Eggs!

by CleoCat October 21, 2010

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Eggs and dandy

A cross between "fine and dandy" and "sure as eggs", to show that you are indeed fine and are sure about it.

Harry: "Yo yo, how have things been?"
Michael: "Oh yeah, things have been eggs and dandy"

by CaptainNeon1 September 26, 2016

26πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

egg punk

A stupid term that makes no god damn sense.

"Hey bro, are you a chain punk or an egg punk?"
"That makes no god damn sense. Shut the fuck up."

by sewerxxchewer July 21, 2018

124πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Egg Surprise

A bagel toasted with a microwaved egg in the middle, and then cheese melted on the egg. You can also add salt and pepper.
Other toppings might be onions, tomato, green peppers or bacon.

For breakfast today I had an egg surprise.

by Drew Banner January 4, 2009

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Soft Eggs

A saggy set of old man testicles that are shrunken and unable to produce semen.

Even though Grandpa could no longer blow his load, he could still get an erection and Grandma still enjoyed sucking on his stiffy and throat gargling his Soft Eggs with her dentures out.

by Eaton Holgoode May 5, 2015

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Rooster Eggs


Boy: β€œI got them rooster eggs”
Mom: β€œI didn’t think roosters laid eggs”
Girl: β€œThey don’t, it’s jiz”

by Chef Big George May 23, 2020

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Crack the Egg

To grind weed, and/or open the grinder so that the grinded kush falls into the joint, similar to an egg being cracked over a bowl to make an omelette.

Guy 1: "I'm rolling a joint, crack the egg mate".

Guy 2: "The grinder is stuck, the egg won't crack"

by Corklad9 August 11, 2018

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž