Borax is a soluble salt commonly used to make slime. Glue is another common slime ingredient. “No glue no borax” is a modifier to (usually the end of) a question to comically allude to a common search on how to make slime with “no glue no borax”
Using this phrase is a tiktok trend as of January 2023
How do I get someone to fall in love with me no glue no borax?
when something is impossible
how to stay a teenage girl forever, no glue no borax
When You ejaculate in a girl she walks around with it in her Canoe gluing her pantys and lips together.
She's got Canoe Glue all over her Ham Wallet.
The act of letting your partner pour a bucket of super glue over your body and letting it dry, usually done on a soft surface such as a bed. The super glue crust will be worn until one's partner allows the crust to be removed. This practice is most popular in Seattle.
John J.: i was doing glue play yesterday it was pretty cool
To perform this move, place a glue stick sideways on a flat surface, place your pointer finger on one side (preferably the bottom), and push your finger down. If done correctly, the glue stick will start spinning.
If pushed down hard enough, the glue stick will "jump", causing it to spin midair.
Repeating the move multiple times within a short period of time can result in pain, especially if you perform "jumps". The move is known for being loud, so please be careful and courteous to others when preforming.
Person A: Why does your finger hurt?
Person B: I did too many glue stick helicopters.
Glue that are always more than one wheter or not the mode of transport allows it.
There go the weather glues, no thought for travel laws
While a male ejaculates and swings his genitals. Getting the sperm everywhere. Swung glue.
I swung glue all over my room.