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When Chase and I are arguing and I make a ridiculously good point and he says, "Bullshit" and I say, "Bull-true" which is a cross between saying what he thought was bullshit was actually a true statement.

From the movie "Stand by me"

Chris: "Gordy, you're a good writer, and someone needs to encourage you to write, and if your parents are too fucked up to do it, then maybe I should"
Gordy: Bullshit
Chris: Bull-true

by B-ritt March 19, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

true tea

While tea is sometimes seen to be gossip. True tea is the variety that involves a lot more contemplation and awareness. True tea is on a larger scale and involves thoughts about an institution, politics, ideologies, social issues. It doesn't have to be the right opinion, it just has to be intricate, and be a step in the quest for the truest of teas.

The saying likely arose in response to the media's habit to distort the news, just to favor a certain perspective. As such, it comes from a place of distrust towards the provided "facts" of an issue.

When one is looking for the "True tea", they are trying to make sense of a barrage of opinions and skewed perspectives on a matter. It also means they are trying to get the raw story from the source, before it gets chopped up, rearranged, and served to the masses.

Person 1: "You know, I've been thinking about this for a while and.... Why is it that our legal system treats 'a jury of our peers' as an unbiased assessment of a case? What if someone was in a district where prejudice was prevalent? No jury is a blank slate, they all come from cultural and social perspectives. So why then, do we treat them as though they couldn't have been wrong? There are all these high profile stories about all these police killings, and the police often get acquitted, but how is that different from lynching via random selection of dominant narratives?"

Person 2: "Woah, someone must have spiked your true tea because it hits pretty deep. You have a really good point I knew something didn't make sense. That is a valid concern, I also feel like perhaps we could push to create some objective criteria for leniency or higher scrutiny, so that we protect the flexibility of the courtroom."

by eldritchAvatar February 3, 2016

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

true to form

as can be expected

He admits his error, but, true to form, takes an irrelevant swipe at his critics.

by lsl February 10, 2012

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

True Believer

A person who earnestly believes in something, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. Usually used as a derogatory term to imply the lack of critical thinking and/or intelligence on part of the true believer.

Billy Meier has his own little UFO cult of True Believers

True Believers can range in their beliefs from the spiritual (Tarot, Astrology, Chi, etc.) to political (Holocaust Denial, Jews did WTC, JFK was killed by the government, etc.) to medical (Homeopathy, Vaccine causes Autism, etc.) and on to almost any other system.

by Type36 October 9, 2007

65๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

True Love

The remarkable event of one's heart breaking at the exact instant that someone offers you a vial of their blood.

Rochester, NY: February 1994. Though chunks of ice were falling from the sky, he bicycled to Tops supermarket to get me, then a menstruating woman in her mid-twenties, the Sunday New York Times and a bloody steak. Now that's true love. Except, of course, it wasn't. Sometimes I think that love isn't something located in a particular person, like a husband, but, rather, something that's passed from person to person, like an albino rabbit at the petting zoo in Oklahoma City. But where is Oklahoma? This is the problem with not knowing how to position yourself appropriately in a restricted space. Though I'm now an American, I was born in a country where even the children drank tea for breakfast, like pirates in need of root canal surgery. Where were you born? Do you love someone? Describe your favorite lover of all time. My lovers have had the following occupations: bike mechanic, waiter, wedding video maker, performer in a miracle play, rabbi, merchant banker, poet (though I don't think they earned any money), professor, and...I think that's it. No. Art critic. Electrical engineer. Peace corps volunteer. The son of the Chief of Police of Rajasthan. (I believe he received a stipend.)

by Bhanu: A Failed Novelist January 18, 2008

86๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

true love

True love is:
farting in bed then laughing with each other if it smells bad,
putting notes in random books at a bookstore,
blowing up anthills and eating beef jerky,
dancing with him while standing on his feet,
taking her home when she throws up at school,
then kissing her on the cheek and taking a nap with her,
sitting on the floor at Hastings with Starbucks and looking at random books,
buying pet rats just because you wanted to,
buying her a big cup of ice from Sonic,
not making him pay for everything,
taking long drives and talking about random stuff,
staring into each others eyes and smiling,
taking 30 minutes to type a sweet long text message just to show that you care,
carrying her inside when she falls asleep in your car,
making fart noises on each others bellies,
staring at them when the door is open in the classroom across the hall,
talking in cute silly voices to each other with wide eyes,
seeing her at her worst and still calling her beautiful,
telling her to call you if she can't sleep no matter what time it is,
not calling him because you want to let him sleep,
still feeling the same spark you did at first every time you kiss,
singing loudly together,
roasting marshmallows for them just how they like them,
walking barefoot outside in freezing cold weather because he wants to,
playing Call of Duty with him even though you suck,
and most of all, true love is being able to understand how the other feels without them even saying a word.

What Corvin and Amber are experiencing is not just any old love, it's true love. :)

by Ambear B. January 9, 2010

199๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

true blue

One of the best bright eyes songs ever written.

Once in a blue moon
There's a blue sky
I wear my blue jeans and fly my blue kite
Hangs like a bluebird, until the wind dies
And then the tears pour
Out of my blue eyes

If it's your birthday
We'll bake a blue cake
And then we'll eat it off these blue plates
'Cause kid I don't know much about you
But I like you
because you're true blue

by meow123 August 26, 2006

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