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Victoria Justice

Nickelodeon's version of Miley Cyrus, except she isn't digusting or an idiot that does drugs. She can actually sing really good, and she is younger and more attractive. Oh, and her career isn't flushing down the toilet as we speak.

Ohmygosh, did you hear that talented voice?
Yeah, sounds like a Victoria Justice!

by bmakana December 20, 2010

683πŸ‘ 832πŸ‘Ž

Victoria Justice

A realllllllly hot actress from the tv show zoey 101
Half white and half puerto rican

Man, i would love to bang victoria justice.

by Marrymeh March 14, 2009

787πŸ‘ 990πŸ‘Ž


Victoria is a smart,beautiful and artistic girl with a flirty nature.She cares immensely about the thoughts of those around her,and can be self-conscious a lot of the time.She can whine a lot,but feels annoying because of this.A Victoria’s friendship is incredibly important to her,and will sometimes struggle to make new friends because of her self-consciousness.It is known that victorias and Anthony’s make perfect couples in the eyes of all of their friends.

Guy:did you see Victoria?she’s so perfect..

by Hi imawesome September 22, 2019

3πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Victoria Beckham

Better known in the States as "Posh Spice", Victoria Beckham is a member of the nreunited Spice Girls and a fashion designer. She is wrongly trashed by trashy tabloids like the "Sun" or "Daily Mail". Reviled by the fat chicks and gay men who are jealous that she is fucking David Beckham (sexy ass). Ironically, she is the skinniest Spice Girl and has had the most children (three).

I put on some clothes designed by Victoria Beckham

by Auntie Olathe June 22, 2007

146πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž

Lauren and Victoria

Lauren and Victoria are two beautiful, feisty, and fun girls who are best friends and better yet, sisters. Everyone is jealous of their glorious friendship. They're always with eachother, causing ruccus wherever they go. At parties, they're always with eachother, and wouldn't have it any other way. They can do simple things like watch movies and still have the greatest time imaginable. They'll go down in history as an epic duo, and be even greater than Louis and Clark. They would catch a grenade for eachother, throw their heads on a plate for eachother, jump in front of a train for eachother, and do anything for eachother. Finding friendship like theirs is like trying to nail jello to a tree. They're two peas in a freakin pod alright.

Lauren and Victoria.
Louis and Clark.
Rob and Big Black.
Forrest Gump and Bubba.
and so on.

by Hot Mamma9087968754875 January 17, 2011

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Annoying as hell, she is really crazy..... but she's still UR MOM! So DON'T take care of ur mom!

You know that annoying mom Victoria!

by thebabykiwi November 5, 2018

3πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Connor Victoria

When some girl has sex with her gay best friend because he has such a horsecock.

Is the rumour true about Victoria and her gay best friend Connor? He has such a huge penis, I would fuck him too. That's such a Connor Victoria!

by Connor Victoria April 25, 2009

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž