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hillbilly wedding

When one marries there sister or brother or mother or father. At a golden corral

Damn that was a hillBilly wedding ain't they brothers and sister.

by Uncledaddy6905 July 3, 2024

bed it and wed it

A woman you initially plan to hit and quit, but decide to wife up instead.

I was going to hit it and quit it, but she was so hot I decided to bed it and wed it.

by Rynesdad March 27, 2018

Rowan county wedding

Is where two immediate family members I,e mother son , brother sister make a life long commitment to incest

Aren’t them two brother and sister I guess they Rowan county wedding

by ChuckZilla78 March 18, 2024

Kyrgyzstani Wedding

The act of Kidnapping your wife with a bunch of friends and forcing her into marriage

Tim: Yo, did you hear? I got Married
Bill: Wow, really? To Whom? I thought you where a Virgin Neckbeard
Tim: Yea, bro. I found a girl on the street, she looked like Sagari from "Eromanga Senesi" so we had a Kyrgyzstani Wedding
Bill: Dang, why didn't you Invite me? I could have helped you carry her
Tim: I did, but you said you were busy Tossing Salads behind an Arby's

by CoochieSayer420 December 3, 2020

wedding quickie

When the newly wed sneak away to do a quickie somewhere during reception and return without anyone knowing they were gone.

Everyone knew Jesse and Jamie did a wedding quickie and didn’t care.

Steven and Sara never got to do the wedding quicky Sara wanted to do.

by Onlyme4you May 12, 2020

Wedding Glove

When you jizz the in the sleeve of someones jacket sleeve. When the person puts there arm in the sleeve there hand is covered in white.

Teddy Bear why did you jizz in my sleeve? I got Wedding gloved.

by Teddy Beab February 2, 2011

Wedding jewel

A wedding jewel is a piercing in the genital area.

The piece of jewellery you will only see after you've wed with someone.

- I'm going for a wedding jewel!
~ Which one?
- An ampallang, or a PA, i have to decide yet.

by Dalliwerke May 14, 2012