Every child/manchild/family friendly youtuber’s way of cursing without getting hate.
Person 1: Holy frick! I won a million bucks from the lottery!
Person 2: I paid so give.
The word that’s commonly used to replace Fuck when your mom comes in .
Son:what the f…
Mom walks in
A swear word that 9 year olds use on someone who pushed him, you cant use it on a christian minecraft server, you cant say heck or frick. It also does not describe sex.
9yearoldgamer: frick
Banned from server
used to replace the f-word. is a more subtle way to talk about sexy time.
i want to frick my girlfriend.
An appropriate word, often used by kids instead of saying a swear word.
“Frick! I dropped my phone again!
What little siblings and kids that aren't allowed to swear use in favor of........the f-bomb? Frick, I wish I could say it.
Boy: frick, i died in Fortnite.