A fleeting moment in life where everything is perfect and nothing can hold you down.
"Do you remember when Crosby scored the winning goal in the Olympics?" "Yeah man, that was a silver second."
Georgia is a farmer. She posts rants on Snapchat so don’t miss out on that. Georgia has a dog who is a GOOD BOI! Georgia is a good friend and makes sure to tell Halle when she doesn’t have good handwriting!
Someone who looks attractive but not the best looking
Person one: omg that guy is so hot!
Person two: mm he's okay I guess, I'm going to rate him a minty silver!
The homosexual act of old men(the silver) ejeculating around a younger homosexuals neck, resulting in a necklace of semen
Eric went to the old folks home in hope of acquiring a fresh silver necklace.
Noun:/ A female woman that is overly attentive that makes other woman overly insecure of themselves and the loyalty of their partner or significant other without any prior provocation.
• Dime+
Hey Smoke, look at that fine Jiana that is in the black dress two tables away. Good eye Homie, she looks like a Silver dime. Just looking at her makes feel like I’m going to be in the dog house for a week Ese, you know what I mean.
An old person with gray hair often to describe a good looking older person.
That silver headed rock star is still reeling in the young ones.
That's one good looking silver-headed fox! BORICS doesn't cut hair like that! I bet he works on wall-street.
(military) armor-piercing shell made from depleted uranium, so called for its almost magical accuracy and lethality
The diaperheads tried to counterattack with tanks north of Um Qasr. Several of Bravo Troop's tanks were on the crest of a hill and one got five confirmed kills at ranges of over three thousand meters. Even at that range, a silver bullet goes through a T-62's glacis plate like it's not even there.
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